Tabletop Garden – In the Wonderland

Container Moss Garden - In the Wonderland Container Moss Garden - In the Wonderland

This moss garden – In the Wonderland – has bought me so much joy.  From collecting moss in public park to choosing the right garden container, from making sand art in between the soil mix to cutting up my bracelet, necklaces and earrings, it has been an unexpectedly fun, dare-to-try experience.  While I love my moss garden, it is definitely the process that I enjoyed the most.

Continue reading Tabletop Garden – In the Wonderland

Moss Loves Beer

There was some beer leftover from making moss slurry for my moss graffiti last week.  So, instead of wasting the beer, I diluted the beer, and have kept feeding my moss with it for the past few days.  And guess what!  My moss loves it!  I bet it’s like a consecutive days of beer fest for my moss 😀

Growing Moss

Continue reading Moss Loves Beer

Instead of Moss, I Got Mold

Making Moss Graffiti Making Moss Graffiti

When I went to the balcony and checked my moss graffiti this morning, I found no moss, but only mold, lots of mold! And besides the mold, the container of moss slurry has started to smell too.

Come to the end of it, the yogurt-and-beer moss slurry has already been sitting out on the balcony for more than two hot summer days.  Continue reading Instead of Moss, I Got Mold

My First Moss Graffiti

Making Moss Graffiti

After days of preparation (researching on moss graffiti, collecting necessary ingredients and tools, thinking up a cool graffiti design, etc), I have finally made my first few moss graffiti with some moss slurry.

Making Moss Graffiti Making Moss Graffiti

Thru some research, I have learned that while certain moss can grow only on soil, some others can grow only on hard surfaces. Since I am making moss graffiti on wood, it is wise to get moss from a hard surface as well. Continue reading My First Moss Graffiti

Moss Graffiti – A Living Art That Brings Life to the City

Moss Graffiti by Edina Tokodi

While I was researching on how to cultivate moss, I found something very cool! Moss Graffiti! Have you heard of it or seen it in your neighborhood before? If you live in Philadelphia, you might have seen some last year in the Market East Station, as well as the Transportation Museum.

Here is related article in inhabitat – Philly Goes Green with Moss Installation by Edina Tokodi.

Moss Graffiti in Philadelphia Subway Station Moss Graffiti in Philadelphia Subway Station

Continue reading Moss Graffiti – A Living Art That Brings Life to the City

I Want Some Moss!

I have been interested in making a moss garden since the very first day I started making tabletop gardens. With the decoration of a few stones, sticks, and a small plant or two placed on top of a carpet of moss, I can imagine myself creating a fun, modern version of a bonsai garden.

I have had this fun idea in mind for so long. Yet, I couldn’t kick start the project for I wasn’t able to find the number one essential ingredient of this garden – the moss.

So, last weekend, with the suggestion of my bonsai class instructor, I took the train to Tai Po, and along the Lam Tsuen River at somewhere near the Tai Po Waterfront Park, I dug out some moss 😛

Continue reading I Want Some Moss!