My Keep-Blossoming African Violet

Gardening could be fun and easy.  Once we make friends with our plants, and get to know their likes and dislikes well, all we have to do is give them exactly what they want, and they will thrive beautifully.

After overfertilizing my African violet – Frosted Denim – and had most of its flower buds burnt, I have learned my lesson well.  Nowadays, I don’t fertilize it very often, maybe once every 2 weeks.  In fact, I didn’t fertilize my African violet at all in January and February.  And I always dilute the fertilizer solution to half the suggested dosage before use.

African Violet African Violet

Today, I actually spend less time and attention on my African violet.  Yet, nevertheless, the plant has kept blossoming since December last year.  Although now there are less flowers blooming than its highest peak in January, new flower buds keep growing and blooming 🙂

African Violet African Violet

5 comments to My Keep-Blossoming African Violet

  • Your speciment is so lovely. I’m going to give African violets a second look.

    Christine in Alaska

  • This denim blue is beautiful! Your blooms are big and nice – good job! Sorry about that earlier burnt. This reminds me of my glox… oh I think I should withhold a little bit now.

  • Great job! I see this is sort of an older post, are you still growing African violets? They’re my obsession… 🙂

  • Lucinda

    Best way to keep from burning is not to fertilize at all. I raised a lovely purple violet from a 4″ pot to a 16″ pot by bottom watering with nothing but diluted cold coffee. My one mistake was entering it in the county fair. It took a blue ribbon for the “flowering plant” division, but the building was supposed to be climate controlled and turned out to be open air. You would think a violet would love warm humid air but the plant went into shock and refused to be revived.

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